Personal Body Precision Workout Videos
Get your own in-home personal trainer any time!

Here it is, finally a total body workout that you can do in your home or take with you on the road. For women and men. J.D. is your personal trainer taking you through a complete body routine in less than 30 minutes, hitting every single body part. J.D. keeps you motivated and moving with the proper form to sculpt a lean and toned body.
DVD $27
INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH, buy now only $21.99!
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Do you want a lean and firm mid section? Do you want rock hard abs? Then here it is, the awesome abdominal video that will get you there! J.D. is your personal trainer, motivating you and maximizing proper form all while burning fat and sculpting your waistline! In just 10 minutes you'll be on your way to picture-perfect abs! For women and men.
DVD $27
INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH, buy now only $21.99!
Buy Now!Other Special Offers
Total Body Sculpting DVD video plus the Fitness Manual for $44.99
Total Abs Workout DVD video plus the Fitness Manual for $44.99
Purchase BOTH DVD videos plus the Fitness Manual for $64.99
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