General Exercises
Following are samples of basic weight training exercises. J.D."Dawson's" P.B.P. book also contains 77 illustrated exercises, that's ten for each major muscle group plus bonus exercises, instructions, workout tips and helpful diet and nutritional information.
CHEST: Flat barbell press
Start: Lower bar to middle of chest, keeping elbows at a 90 degree angle
Finish: Press straight upwards
Safety tip: Don't arch back, don't bounce bar off chest and don't lock out elbows
Slow, even and controlled movements are more effective
CHEST: Incline dumbbell press
Start: Lower dumbbells to side of chest, keeping arms at a 90 degree angle
Finish: Press straight up above chest
Safety tip: Don't arch back, and don't lock out elbows
Slow, even and controlled movements are more effective
TRICEPS: Dumbbell "skull-crushers"
Start: Lying on bench holding dumbbells with arms extended palms facing each other
Finish: Lower dumbbells to ear level
Safety tip: Don't allow elbows to move past right angle
lower with caution so as to not hit your head
TRICEPS: Bench dips
Start: Arms placed on bench about shoulder width apart and feet extended,
resting on another bench
Finish: Lower body until arms are at right angle
Safety tip: Don't allow body to dip lower past 90 degrees
BACK: Dead lift
Start: Feet hip width apart, arms extended outside of feet and knees bent
Finish: Arms extended lift pull with arms straight, push with legs until body is erect
Safety tip: Don't allow knees to go over toes, bend knees and keep shoulders back
BACK: One arm dumbbell row
Start: Arm extended by side same side arm and leg on bench
Finish: Pull dumbbell to side of torso
Safety tip: Keep arm and leg in contact with bench throughout movement
BICEPS: Standing bar curl
Start: Hold bar with palms up and arms extended
Finish: Raise bar upwards, bringing palms upwards
Safety tip: Slight bend in knees and don't swing or arch back
BICEPS: Seated dumbbell curl
Start: Palms facing up, arms extend by side
Finish: Raise palms upwards and keep elbows close to side
Safety tip: Don't swing dumbbells up and down always control the weight
SHOULDERS: Seated dumbbell press
Start: Palms facing away from body dumbbells between ear level and shoulders
Finish: Pressing straight upwards
Safety tip: Lean chin back
SHOULDERS: Seated lateral raise
Start: Arms straight by side palms facing each other
Finish: Raise arms so wrists are even with shoulders
Safety tip: Don't raise wrists above shoulder level
LEGS: Barbell squat
Start: Standing up with bar on shoulders, feet slightly wider than hip width,
shoulders back, chest out and heels flat
Finish: Lower weight until legs are at a 90 degree angle and keep shoulders back
Safety tip: Don't allow heels to raise of floor, don't allow knees to go over toes, don't round shoulders and don't lockout knees
LEGS: Dumbbell lunge
Start: Step with one leg forward, dumbbells by side, front foot flat
and back foot on ball of foot
Finish: Lower knee to close to floor
Safety tip: Don't allow knee to go over front toe, keep shoulders back
and don't lock out knee
ABS: Floor crunch
Start: Feet on floor at 45 degree angle, hands behind head and elbows wide
Finish: Raise upwards about 4-5 inches
Safety tip: Don't pull on back of neck
ABS: Reverse floor crunch
Start: Lying on back hands to the side, legs bent at about 45 degrees
Finish: Roll pelvis backwards with knees coming close to shoulders
Safety tip: Relax neck on floor