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Lenox MA 01240
(413) 637-1414
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Quote: “In order to be wealthy, you must be healthy”


How can I prevent the deleterious effects of acquiring bad health in today's healthcare?


The first and foremost proven effective treatment is prevention, starting with habitual exercise and good nutrition.  If we as a society, starting individually address our health with prevention and not treatment we will be a lot healthier, safer and incur less expenses of treatment.  Studies show that approximately 25% of people receive inappropriate medical care which subsequently results in 44,000-98,000 deaths each year.  This is not accounting for inappropriate care which subsequently results in thousands of individuals in discomfort, pain or agony.  The success to your health is about prevention not treatment.  Unfortunately, our societal healthcare system is about treatment and not prevention and sometimes the treatment is

exactly flawless to say the least.   


  • 106,000 deaths from prescribed drugs or medications
  • 80,000 infections in hospitals
  • Over 10,000 in unnecessary surgeries


This becomes further evident within our multibillion dollar drug companies.

Watch many television commercials or read numerous advertisement regarding pains, aches or health discomfort and your answer is: take a pill.  Keep eating the unhealthy food that causes your upset stomach or pain and just take a pill which many times have varying health side effects sometimes unknown to the user or manufacturer until problems or death arise from the use.  Instead of evaluating why this is happening and the possible food/reason to subtract out of the equation, the health care industry advocates pill popping which financially benefits their best interests and sometimes sacrificing our health.  Poor health and its subsequent bad aliments can be minimized if not avoided with regular exercise and good nutrition practices.  However, there are many reasons small and large people struggle with applying the simplicity of regular exercise and good nutrition.  Simplicity is the key the more regular and habitual your exercise routine becomes into ones life the more success one will have with preventing poor health and all its subsequent possible problems.  The statistics of our pill popping society's remedies and other possible treatment options mostly can be avoided with health prevention and not health treatment.  Be the captain of your ship/body and attempt in habitually good health practices of daily exercise and good nutrition.  Step by step if one falls into habits of exercise and good nutrition not becoming subjected to improper treatment or possible death will be your best approach to your health in today's health care system.



By: J.D. Reber

M.S. & B.S. Exercise Science and Health promotion,  CSCS & NASM- CFT



1.  Starfield B. Is the US Health really the best in the world? JAMA. 2000;

284: 483-485


2.  Kohn L. Corrigan J. Donaldson M. To Err is human: Building a safer health system. Washington DC: National Academy Press. 1999


Remember, eat healthy and live wealthy!

Personal training in Lenox, MA